Digital Personal Concierge

Accompany your guest throughout the entire stay experience
With Hoxell's Digital Personal Concierge you can take care of every detail of your guests' experience, handling requests in real time throughout their stay. This will enable you to build trust with your guests and cultivate a loyal customer base.
Add Personal Concierge to your Hospitality Operations Platform, and become your guest's reference point

"Hoxell in one word? Efficiency. And above all, a tool developed by hoteliers for hoteliers."

"Thanks to Hoxell, not only has coordination between departments improved, but there is also a strong sense of teamwork. It facilitates our work, providing us with the information we need, in just one click."

"Hoxell facilitates communication between departments by reducing the margin of human error. I am extremely satisfied."
Functions in detail
The welcome begins before your guests arrive
Accompany your guest throughout the entire experience of their stay to increase their satisfaction, boost revenue with upsells and improve your reputation in reviews
Next steps
Are you excited to enhance and streamline your property operations with the innovative solutions provided by Hoxell?
Our assistance is at your disposal to help you with any special needs or requirements